LDR-2208P UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

LDR-2208P UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker

Apejuwe kukuru:
Nkan No.:LDR-2208M

Awọn alaye kiakia
LDR-2208M UHF RFID Anti-metal Sticker is complaint with ISO18000-6C protocol and it fits for all 860-960mhz readers and antennas. It’s read range up to 3meters when it sticks to metal device surface. Its PCB hard material makes it widely used for IT asset tracking management.


Awọn ohun elo
1. Ile iwosan ẹrọ isakoso
2. Irin awọn ẹrọ ipese pq isakoso
3. Assets statistics management, IT management
4. Vehicle and Logistic Management for Tray/Shelf

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