LDR-5035F UHF RFID Dikiş Etiketi

LDR-5035F UHF RFID Dikiş Etiketi

Kısa Açıklama:
Eşya yok.:LDR-5035F

Hızlı Ayrıntılar
LDR-5035F UHF RFID Sewing Label is complaint with EPC C1G2 (ISO18000-6C) standarttır ve tüm 860-960mhz UHF RFID okuyucular ve antenler için uygundur. It is made in fabric material which is waterproof, soft, durable and nontoxic, it is mainly used for sewing and ironing in clothing industry.


1. Giyim, Linen and Laundry management;
2. Hotel, spa, retirement home management;
3. Hospital uniforms, Dry cleaners, Launderers;